Bibliography : Publications citing the Political Terror Scale
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Political Terror Scale
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Gibney et al. (2012)
Ausderan, Jacob. 2014. “How naming and shaming affects human rights perceptions in the shamed country.” Journal of Peace Research 51(1):81–95.
Avdan, Nazli. 2014. “Do asylum recognition rates in Europe respond to transnational terrorism? The migration-security nexus revisited.” European Union Politics pp. 1–27.
Braaten, Daniel B. 2014. “Determinants of US foreign policy in multilateral development banks: The place of human rights.” Journal of Peace Research51(4):515–527.
Braithwaite, John. 2014. “Crime in Asia: Toward a Better Future.” Asian Criminology 9(1):65–75.
Brysk, A. and A. Mehta. 2014. “Do rights at home boost rights abroad? Sexual equality and humanitarian foreign policy.” Journal of Peace Research 51(1):97–110.
Cohen, Dara Kay and Ragnhild Nordas. 2014. “Sexual violence in armed conflict: Introducing the SVAC dataset, 1989-2009.” Journal of Peace Research 51(3):418–428.
Hendrix, Cullen S. and Wendy H. Wong. 2014. “Knowing your audience: How the structure of international relations and organizational choices affect amnesty international’s advocacy.” The Review of International Organizations9(1):29–58.
Joshi, Madhav, Sung Yong Lee and Roger Mac Ginty. 2014. “Just How Liberal Is the Liberal Peace?” International Peacekeeping pp. 1–26.
Josua, Maria and Mirjam Edel. 2014. “To Repress or Not to Repress – Regime Survival Strategies in the Arab Spring.” Terrorism and Political Violence pp. 1–21.
Kock, Ned and Lebrian Gaskins. 2014. “The Mediating Role of Voice and Accountability in the Relationship Between Internet Diffusion and Government Corruption in Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa.” Information Technology for Development 20(1):23–43.
Kolbe, Melanie and Peter S. Henne. 2014. "The Effect of Religious Restrictions on Forced Migration." Politics and Religion pp. 1-19.
Mawdsley, Emma. 2014. “Human Rights and South-South Development Cooperation: Reflections on the “Rising Powers” as International Development Actors.” Human Rights Quarterly 36(3):630–652.
Mitchell, Sara McLaughlin and Peter. F. Trumbore. 2014. “Rogue States and Territorial Disputes.” Conflict Management and Peace Science31(3):323–339.
Murdie, Amanda and Dursun Peksen. 2014. “The Impact of Human Rights INGO Shaming on Humanitarian Interventions.” Journal of Politics76(01):215–228.
Payton, Autumn Lockwood and Byungwon Woo. 2014. “Attracting Investment: Governments’ Strategic Role in Labor Rights Protection.” International Studies Quarterly pp. 1–13.
Peksen, Dursun, Timothy M. Peterson and A. Cooper Drury. 2014. “Media-driven Humanitarianism? News Media Coverage of Human Rights Abuses and the Use of Economic Sanctions.” International Studies Quarterly pp. 1–12.
Peterson, Timothy M. 2014. “Taking the cue: The response to US human rights sanctions against third parties.” Conflict Management and Peace Science 31(2):145–167.
Slewa-Younan, Shameran, Maria Gabriela Uribe Guajardo, Andreea Heriseanu and Tasnim Hasan. 2014. “A Systematic Review of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Depression Amongst Iraqi Refugees Located in Western Countries.” Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health .
Wright, Thorin. M. 2014. “Territorial revision and state repression.” Journal of Peace Research 51(3):375–387.
Yoon, Mi Yung and Chungshik Moon. 2014. “Korean Bilateral Official Development Assis- tance to Africa Under Korea’s Initiative for Africa’s Development.” Journal of East Asian Studies 14(2):279–301.
Zarate Tenorio, Barbara. 2014. “Social Spending Responses to Organized Labor and Mass
Protests in Latin America, 1970-2007.” Comparative Political Studies pp. 1–28.
Zulueta-Fu¨lscher, Kimana. 2014. “Democracy-Support Effectiveness in “Fragile States”: A Review.” International Studies Review 16(1):29–49.
Al-Sadig, Ali J. 2013. "Outward Foreign Direct Investment and Domestic Investment: the Case of Developing Countries." IMF Working Paper WP/13/52.
Allen, Michael A. and Michael E. Flynn. 2013. "Putting our best boots forward: US military deployments and host-country crime." Conflict Management and Peace Science 30(3):263-285.
Bahgat, Karim. 2013. The Moral Geographies of Political Violence: Using GIS to Map and Explain Public Opinion on Political Violence. Master's thesis University of Tromsø.
Bauhr, Monika and Marcia Grimes. 2013. "Indignation or Resignation: The Implications of Transparency for Societal Accountability." Governance.
Berg, Lars Petter. 2013. Inequality, Collective Action and Democratic Transition: A refined investigation of the relationship between inequality and democratization. Master's thesis University of Oslo.
Boone, Ryan. 2013. "Assessing Security Sector Reform: Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Development Strategy Targeting Security Apparatuses Based on National Indicators." Duke Political Science Standard 8:29.
Boutton, Andrew and Davis B. Carter. 2013. "Fair-Weather Allies? Terrorism and the Allocation of US Foreign Aid." Journal of Conflict Resolution.
Brysk, Alison, ed. 2013. The Politics of the Globalization of Law: Getting from Rights to Justice. New York, NY: Routledge.
Choi, Seung-Whan. 2013. "What determines US humanitarian intervention?" Conflict Management and Peace Science 30(2):121-139.
Clark, Ann Marie and Kathryn Sikkink. 2013. "Information Effects and Human Rights Data: Is the Good News about Increased Human Rights Information Bad News for Human Rights Measures?" Human Rights Quarterly 35(3):539-568.
Cohen, Dara Kay. 2013. "Explaining Rape during Civil War: Cross-National Evidence (1980{2009)." American Political Science Review 107(3):461-477.
Cole, Wade M. 2013. “Does respect for human rights vary across ‘civilizations’ ? A statistical reexamination.” International Journal of Comparative Sociology 54(4):345–381.
Cole, Wade. M. 2013. "Strong Walk and Cheap Talk: The Effect of the International Covenant of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights on Policies and Practices." Social Forces 92(1):165-194.
Cole, Wade M. and Francisco O. Ramirez. 2013. "Conditional Decoupling: Assessing the Impact of National Human Rights Institutions, 1981 to 2004." American Sociological Review 78(4):702-725.
Conrad, Courtenay R. and Jacquelline H. R. DeMeritt. 2013. "Constrained by the bank and the ballot: Unearned revenue, democracy, and state incentives to repress." Journal of Peace Research 50(1):105-119.
Czaika, Mathias. 2013. “Are unequal societies more migratory?” Comparative Migration Studies 1(1):97–122.
Dai, Li, Lorraine Eden and Paul W. Beamish. 2013. "Place, space, and geographical exposure: Foreign subsidiary survival in conflict zones." Journal of International Business Studies 44(6):554-578.
Daxecker, Ursula E. and Michael L. Hess. 2013. "Repression Hurts: Coercive Government Responses and the Demise of Terrorist Campaigns." British Journal of Political Science 43(03):559-577.
DeMeritt, Jacquelline H. R. and Joseph K. Young. 2013. "A political economy of human rights: Oil, natural gas, and state incentives to repress." Conflict Management and Peace Science 30(2):99-120.
Franklin, James C. 2013. "Human Rights Contention in Latin America: A Comparative Study." Human Rights Review.
Gerschewski, Johannes. 2013. "The three pillars of stability: legitimation, repression, and co-optation in autocratic regimes." Democratization 20(1):13-38.
Hatton, Timothy J. 2013. Refugee and Asylum Migration. In International Handbook on the Economics of Migration, ed. Amelie F. Constant and Klaus F. Zimmermann. Northamp- ton, MA: Edward Elgar.
Hill, Jr., Daniel W. 2013. "The Concept of Personal Integrity Rights in Empirical Research." Political Concepts: Committee on Concepts and Methods Working Paper Series 59.
Hill, Jr., Daniel W., Will H. Moore and Bumba Mukherjee. 2013. "Information Politics Versus Organizational Incentives: When Are Amnesty International's "Naming and Shaming" Reports Biased?" International Studies Quarterly 57(2):219-232.
Hollar, Julie. 2013. “Review Article: Human Rights Instruments and Impacts.” Comparative Politics 46(1):103–120.
Ishihara, Akifumi and Prakarsh Singh. 2013. "Concessions and Repression: Can Democratizing Lead to Civil War?" SSRN Electronic Journal.
Keith, Linda Camp, Jennifer S. Holmes and Banks P. Miller. 2013. “Explaining the Divergence in Asylum Grant Rates among Immigration Judges: An Attitudinal and Cognitive Approach.” Law & Policy 35(4):261–289.
Kurtenbach, Sabine. 2013. “The ‘Happy Outcomes’ May Not Come at All – Postwar Violence in Central America.” Civil Wars 15(Supplement 1):105–122.
McConaghy, Clyde. 2012. The Global Peace Index and the Structure of Peace. Vol. 20 of Contributions to Conflict Management, Peace Economics and Development Emerald Group.
Mitchell, Sara McLaughlin, Jonathan J. Ring and Mary. K. Spellman. 2013. "Domestic legal traditions and states' human rights practices." Journal of Peace Research 50(2):189-202.
Møller, Jørgen and Svend-Erik Skaaning. 2013. "Autocracies, democracies, and the violation of civil liberties." Democratization 20(1):82-106.
Moosa, Imad. 2013. “Governance indicators as determinants of operational risk.” International Journal of Disclosure and Governance.
Murdie, Amanda and Dursun Peksen. 2013. "The impact of human rights INGO activities on economic sanctions." The Review of International Organizations 8(1):33-53.
Nemeth, Stephen. 2013. "The Effect of Competition on Terrorist Group Operations." Journal of Conflict Resolution.
Nordås, Ragnhild and Christian Davenport. 2013. "Fight the Youth: Youth Bulges and State Repression." American Journal of Political Science .
Okafor, Godwin, Jenifer Piesse and Allan Webster. 2013. "FDI Determinants in Least Recipient Regions: The Case of Sub-Saharan Africa and MENA." Bournemouth University Research Papers.
Ramos, Jennifer M. 2013. Changing Norms Through Actions: The Evolution of Sovereignty. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Ritter, Emily Hencken. 2013. "Policy Disputes, Political Survival, and the Onset and Severity of State Repression." Journal of Conflict Resolution.
Rost, Nicolas. 2013. "Will it happen again? On the possibility of forecasting the risk of genocide." Journal of Genocide Research 15(1):41-67.
Schlosser, O., M. Frese, A.-M. Heintze, M. Al-Najjar, T. Arciszewski, E. Besevegis, G. D. Bishop, M. Bonnes, C. W. Clegg and E. et al. Drozda-Senkowska. 2013. "Humane Orientation as a New Cultural Dimension of the GLOBE Project: A Validation Study of the GLOBE Scale and Out-Group Humane Orientation in 25 Countries." Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 44(4):535-551.
Soysa, Indra and Krishna Chaitanya Vadlammanati. 2013. "Do pro-market economic reforms drive human rights violations? An empirical assessment, 1981-2006." Public Choice 155(1-2):163-187.
Starmans, Christopher.
2013. Aid Allocation
and Donor Politics:
A Forgotten or Nonexistent
Link? Master's thesis
University of Tilburg.
Wang, Guang-zhen.
2013. "The Impact of
Social and Economic
Indicators on Maternal
Child Health." Social
Indicators Research.
Zafirovski, Milan and Daniel. G Rodeheaver. 2013. Modernity and Terrorism: From Anti-Modernity to Modern Global Terror. Boston, MA: BRILL.
Zea, Maria Cecilia, Carol A. Reisen, Fernanda T. Bianchi, Felisa A. Gonzales, Fabián Betancourt, Marcela Aguilar and Paul J. Poppen. 2013. "Armed conflict, homonegativity and forced internal displacement: implications for HIV among Colombian gay, bisexual and transgender individuals." Culture, Health & Sexuality 15(7):788-803.
Alexander, A. C., R. Inglehart and C. Welzel. 2012. "Measuring eective democracy: A defense." International Political Science Review 33(1):41-62.
Carlsnaes,Walter, Thomas Risse and Beth A. Simmons, eds. 2012. Handbook of International Relations. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
Cox, Ronald W., ed. 2012. Corporate Power and Globalization in US Foreign Policy. New York, NY: Routledge.
Davis, Kevin E., Angelina Fisher, Benedict Kingsbury and Sally Engle Merry, eds. 2012. Governance by Indicators: Global Power through Classifcation and Rankings. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Jensen, Nathan M., Glen Biglaiser, Quan Li, Edmund Malesky, M. Pinto, Pablo, Santiago M. Pinto and Joseph L. Staats. 2012. Politics and Foreign Direct Investment. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
Mitchell, Sara McLaughlin, Paul F. Diehl and James D. Morrow, eds. 2012. Guide to the Scientific Study of International Processes. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
Nicholson, Denise M. and Dylan D. Schmorrow, eds. 2012. Advances in Design for Cross-Cultural Activities: Part II. CRC Press.
Roehner, Nora. 2012. UN Peacebuilding: Light Footprint or Friendly Takeover? CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
Vasquez, John A., ed. 2012. What Do We Know about War? 2nd ed. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Viljoen, Frans. 2012. International Human Rights Law in Africa. 2nd ed. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, USA.
Christiano, Thomas. 2011. "An Instrumental Argument for a Human Right to Democracy." Philosophy & Public Affairs 39(2):142-176.
Keith, Linda Camp. 2011. Political Repression: Courts and the Law. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Martin, Paul R., Fanny M. Cheung, Michael C. Knowles, Michael Kyrios, Lyn Little_eld, J. Bruce Overmier and José M. Prieto, eds. 2011. IAAP Handbook of Applied Psychology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
Patrick, Stewart. 2011. Weak Links: Fragile States, Global Threats, and International Security. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Rosema, Martin, Bas Denters and Kees Aarts, eds. 2011. How Democracy Works: Political Representation and Policy Congruence in Modern Societies. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Amsterdam University Press.
Schmid, Alex P., ed. 2011. The Routledge Handbook of Terrorism Research. New York, NY: Routledge.
Sikkink, Kathryn. 2011. The Justice Cascade: How Human Rights Prosecutions Are Changing World Politics. New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company.
Smeulers, Alette and
Fred Grünfeld. 2011.
International Crimes
and Other Gross Human
Rights Violations:
A Multi- and Interdisciplinary
Textbook. Boston,
MA: Martinus Nijhoff
Beebe, Shannon D. and Mary H. Kaldor. 2010. The Ultimate Weapon is No Weapon: Human Security and the New Rules of War and Peace. New York, NY: Public Affairs.
Carter, Ralph G.,
ed. 2010. Contemporary
Cases in U.S. Foreign
Policy: From Terrorism
to Trade. 4th ed. Washington
D.C.: CQ Press.
Cingranelli, David L. and David L. Richards. 2010. "The Cingranelli and Richards (CIRI) Human Rights Data Project." Human Rights Quarterly 32(2): 401-424.
Cingranelli, David, and Mikhail Filippov. 2010. "Electoral Rules and Incentives to Protect Human Rights." The Journal of Politics 72(01): 243.
Dalton, Russell, Alix Van Sickle and Steven Weldon. 2010. "The Individual-Institutional Nexus of Protest Behaviour." British Journal of Political Science 40(01):51.
Daunfeldt, Sven-Olov, David Granlund, Mats Landström, and Niklas Rudholm. "Central Bank Independence Reforms and Price Stability: The Role of Democracy and Political Stability." Working paper, 2010. http://www.pubchoicesoc.org/papers_2010/Daunfeldt_Gran_Land_Rud.pdf (accessed 4/5/2010).
de Soysa, Indra, Thomas Jackson, Christin M. Ormhaug. "Tools of the torturer? Small arms imports and repression of human rights, 1992-2004." The International Journal of Human Rights 14: 378-93 (2010).
Fearon, James D. "Do governance indicators predict anything? The case of ‘fragile states’ and civil war." Working paper, 2010.
Gibney, Mark. 2010. Global Refugee Crisis: A Reference Handbook. 2nd ed. Santa Barbara,CA: ABC-CLIO.
Grabosky, Peter and Michael S. Stohl. 2010. Crime and Terrorism. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
Hafner-Burton, Emilie, Susan D. Hyde, and Ryan Jablonski. "Terrorizing Freedom: When Governments use Repression to Manupulate Elections." Working paper, 2010. http://irps.ucsd.edu/ehafner/pdfs/elections.pdf (accessed 4/5/2010)
Hill, Daniel W. 2010. "Estimating the Eects of Human Rights Treaties on State Behavior." The Journal of Politics 72(04):1161-1174.
Jenkins, Dlorah C. "Examining the Influence of Economic and Polieical Factors Upon Access to Improved Water and Sanitation in Select African Nations, 2005-2008." Diss., Georgia State University, 2010.
Kim, Hunjoon and Kathryn Sikkink. 2010. "Explaining the Deterrence Effect of Hu-man Rights Prosecutions for Transitional Countries." International Studies Quarterly 54(4):939-963.
Landman, Todd and Edzia Carvalho. 2010. Measuring Human Rights. New York, NY: Routledge.
Lee, Byung-Jae. "Measuring Transitional Justice." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association 67th Annual National Conference, The Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, IL, 3/11/2010. www.allacademic.com/meta/p360745_index.html (accessed 4/5/2010)
Martineau, Joshua S. "Red Flags: A Model for the Early Warning of Refugee Outflows." Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies 8: 135-157 (2010).
Miller, Peter. "Torture and Social Modernization." Working Paper, 2010.
Mosley, Layna. 2010. Labor Rights and Multinational Production. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Mullins, Christopher W. and Joseph K. Young. "Cultures of Violence and Acts of Terror: Applying a Legitimation-Habituation Model to Terrorism." Crime and Delinquency 1-29 (2010).
Murdie, Amanda, and David R. Davis. 2010. "Problematic Potential: The Human Rights Consequences of Peacekeeping Interventions in Civil Wars." Human Rights Quarterly 32(1): 49-72.
Piazza, James A. and James Igoe Walsh. 2010. "Physical Integrity Rights and Terrorism." PS: Political Science & Politics 43(03):411-414.
Rice, Susan, Corrine Graff, Carlos Pascual, eds. Confronting Poverty: Weak States and U.S. National Security. Washington D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 2010.
Robison, Kristopher K., and Edward M. Crenshaw. "Reevaluating the Global Digital Divide: Socio-Demographic and Conflict Barriers to the Internet Revolution." Sociological Inquiry 80: 34-62 (2010).
Robison, Kristopher K. "Terror’s True Nightmare? Reevaluating the Consequences of Terrorism on Democratic Governance." Terrorism and Political Violence 22: 62-86 (2010).
Sano, Hans-Otto and Siobhán McInerney-Lankford. 2010. Human Rights Indicators in Development: An Introduction. Washington D.C.: The World Bank.
Simmons, Beth. "Treaty Compliance and Violation." Annual Review of Political Science 13 (2010).
Wang, Shr-Jie, Mimoza Salihu, Feride Rushiti, Labinot Bala, Jens Modvig. "Survivors of the war in Northern Kosovo: Violence exposure, risk factors, and public helath effects of an ethnic conflict." Conflict and Health 4 (2010).
Wood, Reed. "PTS 2.0: A New Political Terror Scale Capturing State and Non-state Actor Violence in Civil Conflicts." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Theory vs. Policy? Connecting Scholars and Practitioners, New Orleans Hilton Riverside Hotel, The Loews New Orleans Hotel, New Orleans, LA, Feb 17, 2010 . www.allacademic.com/meta/p416708_index.html (accessed 4/5/2010).
Wood, Reed M. and Mark Gibney. "The Political Terror Scale (PTS): A Re-introduction and a Comparison to CIRI." Human Rights Quarterly 32: 367-400 (2010).
Abouharb, M. Rodwan, and David L. Cingranelli. "IMF Programs and Human Rights, 1981- 2003." The Review of International Organizations 4: 47-72 (2009).
Al-Sadig, Ali. "The Effects of Corruption on FDI Inflows." Cato Journal 29: 267-294 (2009).
Armstrong, David Alan. "Measuring the Democracy-Repression Nexus." Electoral Studies 28: 403-412 (2009).
Besley, Timothy, and Torsten Persson. "Repression or Civil War?" American Economic Review 99: 292-297 (2009).
Binder, Martin. "Humanitarian Crises and the International Politics of Selectivity." Human Rights Review 10: 327-348 (2009).
Brysk, Alison. Global Good Samaritans: Human Rights as Foreign Policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.
Camp Keith, Linda, and Jennifer S. Holmes. "A Rare Examination of Typically Unobservable Factors in US Asylum Decisions." Journal of Refugee Studies 22: 224-241 (2009).
Camp Keith, Linda, C. Neal Tate and Steven C. Poe. "Is The Law a Mere Parchment Barrier to Human Rights Abuse?" The Journal of Politics 71: 644-660 (2009).
Carey, Sabine C. Protest, Repression, and Political Regimes: An Empirical Analysis of Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa. New York: Routledge, 2009.
Carneiro, Cristiane, and Dominique Elden. "Economic Sanctions, Leadership Survival, and Human Rights." Pennsylvania Journal of International Law 30: 969-999 (2009).
De Rivera, Joseph, ed. Handbook on Building Cultures of Peace. New York: Springer, 2009.
Demirel-Pegg, Tijen, and James Moskowitz."US Aid Allocation: The Nexus of Human Rights, Democracy, and Development." Journal of Peace Research 46: 181-198 (2009).
Desai, Raj M., Anders Olofsgård, and Yousef Tarik. "The Logic of Authoritarian Bargains." Economics & Politics 21: 93-125 (2009).
Englehart, Neil A. "State Capacity, State Failure, and Human Rights." Journal of Peace Research 46: 163-180 (2009).
Escribà-Folch, Abel. "Authoritarian Responses to Foreign Pressure: Spending, Repression, and Sanctions." Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals Working Papers 21, (2009). http://www.ibei.org/admin/uploads/publicacions/31/ang/WP_IBEI_21.pdf , (accessed 3/3/10).
Gilligan, Michael J., and Nathaniel H. Nesbitt. "Do Norms Reduce Torture?" The Journal of Legal Studies 38: 445-470 (2009).
Goodwin, Jeff, and James M. Jasper. The Social Movements Reader: Cases and Concepts. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2009.
Hafner-Burton, Emilie M., and James Ron. "Human Rights Impact through Qualitative and Quantitative Eyes." World Politics 61: 360-401 (2009).
Ibrahim Index of African Governance, Mo Ibrahim Foundation. Available at: http://www.moibrahimfoundation.org/en/section/the-ibrahim-index
Jayasundara, Dheeshana Sugandhi. "Reproductive Health of Women in Developing Countries and Human Development: A Test of Sen's Theory." Diss., University of Texas at Arlington, 2009.
Jorgensen, Nick. "Impunity and Oversight: When Do Governments Police Themselves?" Journal of Human Rights 8: 385-404 (2009).
Kim, Hunjoon and Kathryn Sikkink. "Explaining the Deterrence Effect of Human Rights Trials." Working Paper, 2009. http://www.tc.umn.edu/~kimx0759/Kim.Sikkink%20ISQ_title.pdf , (accessed 3/3/10).
Landman, Todd. Measuring Human Rights. New York: Routledge, 2009.
Lebovic, James H., and Erik Voeten. "The Cost of Shame: International Organizations and Foreign Aid in the Punishing of Human Rights Violators." Journal of Peace Research 46: 79-97 (2009).
Montalvo, Daniel. "Do you Trust your Armed Forces?" Latin American Public Opinion Project, Insights. www.AmericasBarometer.org (accessed 3/3/10).
Nuscheler, Franz. "Good Governance: Ein universelles Leitbild von Staatlichkeit und Entwicklung?" INEF-Report 96, 2009. http://inef.uni-due.de/page/documents/Report96.pdf , (accessed 3/3/10).
Olsen, Tricia D., Leigh A. Payne, and Andrew G. Reiter. "Does Transitional Justice Work? Latin America in Comparative Perspective." Global Studies Review 5, no. 3 (2009). www.globality-gmu.net/archives/1789 (accessed 3/3/10).
Peksen, Dursun. "Better or Worse? The Effect of Economic Sanctions on Human Rights." Journal of Peace Research 46: 59-77 (2009).
Peters, Anne, Lucy Koechlin, and Till Forster. Non-State Actors as Standard Setters. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
Qian, Nancy, and David Yanagizawa."The Strategic Determinants of U.S. Human Rights Reporting: Evidence from the Cold War." Journal of the European Economic Association 7: 446-457 (2009).
Ring, Jonathan, Sara McLaughlin Mitchell, and Mary K. Spellman. "What Did They Leave Behind? Legal Systems, Colonial Legacies, and Human Rights Practices." Working paper, 2009. http://sitemason.vanderbilt.edu/files/aVcFMc/VIRCmitchell.pdf (accessed 3/3/10).
Rios-Figueroa, Julio and Jeffery Staton. "Unpacking the Rule of Law: A Review of Judicial Independence Measures." Working Paper, 2009. http://people.bu.edu/jgerring/Conference/MeasuringDemocracy/
Rost, Nicolas, Gerald Schneider, and Johannes Kleibl. "A Global Risk Assessment Model for Civil Wars." Social Science Research 38: 921–933 (2009).
Rottman, Andy J., Christopher J. Fariss, and Steven C. Poe. "The Path to Asylum in the US and the Determinants for Who Gets In and Why."International Migration Review43: 3-34 9 (2009).
Skaaning, Svend-Erik. "Measuring Civil Liberty: An Assessment of Standards-Based Data Sets." Revista de Ciencia Politica 29: 721-740 (2009).
Steel, Zachary, Tien Chey, Derrick Silove, Claire Marnane, Richard A. Bryant, and Mark van Ommeren. "Association of Torture and Other Potentially Traumatic Events With Mental Health Outcomes Among Populations Exposed to Mass Conflict and Displacement." JAMA 302: 537-549 (2009).
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. SIPRI Yearbook 2009: Armaments, Disarmament, and International Security. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.
Tuman, John P. "The Political and Economic Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America: A Brief Comment on ‘Macroeconomic deeds, Not Reform Words: The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America,’ by Alfred P. Montero, LARR, Volume 43, Number 1." Latin American Research Review 44: 191-193 (2009).
Tuman, John P., Strand, Jonathan R., and Craig F. Emmert. "The Disbursement Pattern of Japanese Foreign Aid: A Reappraisal." Journal of East Asian Studies 9: 219-248 (2009).
Vadlamannati, Krishna Chaitanya. "Economic Interest Versus Social Conscience: Signing Bilateral Investment Treaties—Do Human Rights Matter?" MPRA Paper 15431, 2009. http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/15431/ (accessed 3/3/10).
Vadlamannati, Krishna Chaitanya. "Testing the Effects of Economic, Social, and Political Globalization on Human Rights in Africa." MPRA Paper 15290, 2009. http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/15290/ (accessed 3/3/10).
Wang , Shr-Jie, Mohammad Akramul Haque, Saber-ud-Daula Masum, Shuvodwip Biswas, and Jens Modvig. "Household Exposure to Violence and Human Rights Violations in Western Bangladesh (II): History of torture and other traumatic experience of violence and functional assessment of victims." BMC International Health and Human Rights 9, no. 31 (2009). http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-698X/9/31 (accessed 3/3/10).
Wheeldon, Johannes. "Mapping International Knowledge Transfer: Latvian-Canadian Cooperation in Criminal Justice Reform." Diss., Simon Fraser University, 2009.
Wright, Austin Lee. "Why do Terrorists Claim Credit? Attack-Level and Country-Level Analyses of Factors Influencing Terrorist Credit-taking Behavior." Diss., The University of Texas at Austin, 2009.
Wright, Joseph G. & Abel Escribà-Folch. "Are Dictators Immune to Human Rights Shaming?" IBEI. Working Paper 25 (2009). http://www.ibei.org/admin/uploads/publicacions/36/ang/WP_IBEI_25.pdf (accessed 3/3/10).
Young, Joseph K. "State Capacity, Democracy, and the Violation of Personal Integrity Rights." Journal of Human Rights 8: 283-300 (2009).
Abouharb, M. Rodwan, and David L. Cingranelli. "IMF Programs and Human Rights, 1981-2003." The Review of International Organizations 4 (2008) no. 1.
Callaway, Rhonda L., and Elizabeth G. Matthews. Strategic US Foreign Assistance: The Battle Between Human Rights and National Security. Surrey: Ashgate Publishing, 2008.
Davenport, Christian, David A. Armstrong, and Mark I. Lichbach. "From Mountains to Movements: Dissent, Repression, and Escalation to Civil War." Working Paper, 2008. http://www.quantoid.net/MovementMountains.pdf (accessed 3/26/2010)
Diprose, Rachael. "Safety and Security: A Proposal for Internationally Comparable Indicators of Violence." CRISE working paper no. 52, 2008. http://www.humansecuritygateway.com/documents/CRISE_safetysecurity.pdf (accessed 3/25/2010)
Edwards, Martin S., Kevin M. Scott, Susan Hannah Allen, and Kate Irvi. "Sins of Commission? Understanding Membership Patterns on the United Nations Human Rights Commission." Political Research Quarterly 61: 390-402 (2008).
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